Residency Unlimited

Roey Victoria Heifetz

Roey Victoria Heifetz. Photo credit: Emill Salman
Artist Name: Roey Victoria Heifetz
Residency Dates: October – November
Born: 1978
Hometown: Israel
Lives & Works: Berlin


Bio/ Statement:

As I self-identify as a transgender woman I use images of strong and older women to expose the painful discrepancy between social expectations and the physical reality of changing and growing old as a woman. At the same time, the works allow me to imagine my own future as I move closer to my female body. These expressive large-format drawings explore the long psychological and emotional journey I have taken and the implications of this momentous change of transitioning from a man to a woman.

My drawings, which measure three meters tall and up to four and a half meters wide, are mostly composites of women I have observed during my years in Germany, where I currently reside. The images depict women I have seen on the street, including those who have undergone sex changes, and are derived from both imaginary figures and aspects of my own self-portraits. Part of my drawings are also inspired by interviews and talks with transgender women. The works are both outward critiques of societal norms and introspective explorations of my own fears, anxiety, and deliberations regarding what is feminine and what it means to be a woman.

Select Permanent Collections: Israel Museum Collection. Tiroche DeLeon Collection – Serge Tiroche Collection, Ari and Ann Rosenblatt Collection, Thomas Steinle Collection, Marc Zilkkha Collection, Igal Ahouvi Collection, Matthias Camenzind Collection, Jordan Krauss Collection.

Support: Roey Victoria Heifetz’s residency is made possible with support from Ann and Ari Rosenblatt, Artis foundation, Israel Consulate in NY.


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