Residency Unlimited

Rodrigo Hernández

Artist name: Rodrigo Hernández
Dates of residency: Feb-June
Born: Mexico City, 1983
Hometown: Mexico City
Lives and works: Basel, (CH) and Mexico City
Education: BFA, E.N.P.E.G. “La Esmeralda” (Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado) , Mexico City; MFA Akademie der Bildende Künste Karlsruhe (Germany); Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht (Holland)

Rodrigo Hernández explores through different media and materials the endless quest of the individual within our society to define what the body means to us. In his use of papier-mâché, molded plastic or paintings and drawings usually combined within site-specific installations, his work often depicts human figures in a state of levitation, or weightlessness and fragility. Hernández connects this exploration with extensive research in different fields touching recurrent subjects often connected to dada and surrealism.

“An adept and lover of the handmade, the Mexican, currently Basel-based, is driven by a desire to reduce artmaking to its most fundamental, if primeval, components, which for him have a great deal to do with drawing, sculpture, space and the relation between the three (even if what he does also occasionally includes collage and painting). This reduction is not just limited to form, but also to content.”
Excerpt 2015 FutureGreat, by Chris Sharp

In 2016, Hernández has solo shows scheduled at Kurimanzutto, Mexico City, at T66, Freiburg (Germany) and at Kim?, Riga (Latvia). He has also been invited to participate in the 2016 Bienal de Monterrey, MX.
In 2015, he showed at Museo del Chopo (México City). His work has been exhibited at Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht (2014); Elizabeth Foundation of the Arts, New York (2014); David Roberts Art Foundation, London (2014); Parallel Oaxaca (2014); Kunstverein Freiburg (2013); Thomas Dane Gallery, London (2013; FRAC Marseille (2013); Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam (2013); Kunsthalle Baden-Baden (2012); Walker Art Center, Minneapolis (2012); NuMu Nuevo Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Guatemala (2012); Kunsthaus Baselland (2012) and Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City (2011), among others.

Grants and prizes include: Laurenz-Haus Stiftung, Basel, CH (2015); Kunststiftung Baden-Württenberg (2014); Grant for Young Creators, FONCA – National Fund of the Arts (MX) (2014); Jan Van Eyck Academie Stipendium, Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen, NL (2014); Post-graduate Grant Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg, D (2013); Kulturfonds der Landeshauptstadt Salzburg, AT (2012); DAAD Academy Prize Prize, Staatliche Akademie der bildenden Künste Karlsruhe, D (2012).

P420 Arte Contemporanea, Bologna (IT)

SUPPORT: Rodrigo Hernández 6 months’ residency is supported by the Zaeslin-Bustany-Scholarship in collaboration with Atelier Mondial and Christoph Merian Stiftung, Basel, Switzerland .

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