Residency Unlimited

Osvaldo Gonzalez Aguiar

Ambar, 2015. Site-specific installation

Artist Name: Osvaldo Gonzalez Aguiar
Residency Dates: September – October
Born: 1982
Hometown: Camaguey,Cuba
Lives & Works: La Habana, Cuba
Education: BFA from Instituto Superior de Artes (ISA), Havana, Cuba and the School of Plastic Arts in Camaguey, Cuba


Experimentation with space has been a constant theme in the oeuvre of Osvaldo González.
To fully comprehend his painting practice it is essential to acknowledge his installation work where physical space and objects from daily life often intertwine. The starting point for González begins with a meticulous and laborious interaction with materials such as cardboard, duck tape or plastic sheets.
His installations often end up being arranged in space in unexpected ways such as envelopping electric light with plastic wrap, placing circular clear sheets on hardwood floor or creating furniture out of cardboard boxes. In his most recent work Osvaldo creates light screens, in which the materials he uses in his installations are taken to the two-dimensional format, thus creating new and unforeseen visual effects.

Osvaldo González has exhibited internationally Solo exhibitions include: Zona Maco, Contemporary Art Fair, Mexico City, 2018, Autofagia, Galeria, Servando, Havana, Cuba, 2016, What is it like? Center for Visual Arts, Havana, Cuba, A Domestic Scene, Cinema 23 and 12, 11th Havana Biennial, 2012, Isolated Topics, Luz y Suarez del Villar Gallery, Madrid, Spain, 2010. Group exhibitions include: Nest Without Tree, Continua Gallery, Havana, Cuba, 2016, The Banks of Acheron, Johnson Pharmacy Museum, 12th Havana Biennale, 2015, Memento Mori & Joie de Vivre, Servando Gallery, Havana, Cuba, 2013, Reeditus II, Raymaluz Gallery, Madrid, Spain, 2012, Life Style, Luz y Suarez del Villar Gallery, Madrid, Spain, 2011, Open Dreams, Buena Vista Building, Miami Design District, 2010.


Servando Galeria de Arte

Select Permanent Collections:

Stefano Mazzoni Collection (Belgium)
Carlos Ferreira de Vita collection (Spain)
Gordon Gray Campbell Collection (UK)
Mary Chabre Collection (USA).

Support: Osvaldo Gonzalez Aguiar’s residency is made possible with support from Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Cuban Artists Fund.

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