Residency Unlimited

Maiko Jinushi

2016, HD video, 42min.
Artist Name: Maiko Jinushi
Residency Dates: February – April
Born: 1984
Hometown: Kanagawa, Japan
Lives & Works: Kanagawa, Japan

URL:                                                                                                                                                                          Education: MFA in Painting, Tama Art University, Tokyo, 2010; BFA in Painting, Tama Art University, Tokyo, 2008

Bio / Statement:

Maiko Jinushi investigates the concept of analogical reasoning often used in storytelling as a means to disclose differences of perception and interpretations of the world.  “I have produced a new type of literature, a combination of video art, installation and performance, which strongly relates to traditional forms of literature such as poems and novels. In my definition, a new type of literature is the mixture of speech, reading scripts, dialogues and writings, which compose the structure of a story.

In the multi channel video installation “The sound of a horse approaching” Jinushi interviewed a drummer with five topics relating to horses (“work”, “male (or gender)”, “war”, “real horses” and the question “if the sound is not horse hooves’, what sound is this?”. The drummer was also invited to reproduce a horse sound with her drums.

Maiko Jinushi  is represented by HAGIWARA PROJECTS in Tokyo. Her most recent solo shows are: 2016 “A New Experience of Love” HAGIWARA PROJECTS, Tokyo; 2015, Big Mouth, Small Hands or Small Mouth, Big Hands”, Art Center Ongoing, Tokyo;  2014, “The Sound of A Horse Approaching”, blanClass, Kanagawa. Recent group exhibitions are:  “RETURN TO: TWS Creator-in-Residence 2015-2016” (TWS Hongo, Tokyo, 2016)’ “Unusualness Makes Sense” (Chiang Mai University Art Center, Chiang Mai, 2016);  “Zero Gravity ” (Matadero Madrid, Madrid, 2015);  “Fictive Communities Asia – Koganecho Bazaar 2014” (Kanagawa, Japan, 2014); “My Hole, Holes in Art” (Space 23, Tokyo, 2015) and “Father and Mother” (Talion Gallery, Tokyo, 2014). Recent performance is In 2015 she was in residency at Tokyo Wonder Site.

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