Residency Unlimited

Lek Gjeloshi

Untitled #2, 2016, HD video, sound, 7 min. 25 sec.
Artist Name: Lek Gjeloshi
Residency Dates: June – July 2018
Born: 1987
Hometown: Shkodër, Albania
Lives & Works: Shkodër, Albania


Education: Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze

Bio / Statement:

Lek M. Gjeloshi is a recipient of 2016 Ardhje Award / Young Visual Artist Award in Tirana, Albania. This Award is part of the Young Visual Artists Awards program – a network of eleven similar awards organized throughout Central and Eastern Europe founded in 1989 in Czechoslovakia by President Vaclav Havel and dissident artists to support the emergence and development of contemporary art and civil society.

Lek Gjeloshi focuses on the delicate and almost imperceptible space located between the void of nothingness and the high demands on ourselves or the individual, in general. He sheds lights on the fact that the separation between these two opposing stances is enabled by a simple mental “key” which,depending on an on/off position, changes our attitude towards society and the world from the emptiness of absolute denial to the infinite opportunities present in a promise.

His solo exhibitions include: “All my colours turn to clouds” at Villa Romana (Florence, 2016); “Off-cells” at Civic Gallery of Shkodër (Shkodër, 2016). He has participated in many group exhibitions from 2007. Here we can mention: “Ex Gratia” curated by Adrian Paci and Rischa Paterlini at Collezione Iannaccone (Milan, 2018); “A time for dreams” curated by David Elliott at Moscow Museum of Modern Art (Moscow, 2014). He was the winner of the “Idromeno Prize”, in 2015, and “Ardhje Award” for Young Visual Artists, in 2016, organized by TICA – Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art, in Albania.

Support: Lek Gjeloshi’s residency is made possible with support from the Trust for Mutual Understanding.


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