Residency Unlimited

ONE SHOT, a performance by Carolina Pimenta

Sunday October 30, 2022 | 2:00-4:00pm

KODA House
Governors Island, Colonels Row, Building #404B, ground floor

Click here to view map. Details on how to get to Governors Island here.

ONE SHOT performance by Carolina Pimenta questions our image obsessed society and resulting distortions of perception. With the overwhelming presence of social media in our day to day, it comes as no surprise that we create illusions and ideas of what we do and who we are through the digital filter of our screen.

Pimenta’s performance takes place in a neutral location, a clean space, white walls. In her words:

“No phones allowed. Only one viewer can enter the room at once. Inside they will find a Polaroid camera. I am to be their object. They are allowed to take one single image. Once they have taken their photograph they are to place it at my feet. We are both confronted with the final image as it develops. The polaroid remains in the room. The viewer exists.”

The performance has a duration of 2 hours and each person can only be present in the room for 3 minutes.

Click below to see images from the program

ONE SHOT, a performance by Carolina Pimenta


After graduating from Leeds University in 2010, Carolina Pimenta moved to NYC where she developed projects involving production, video, photography and collage. Her images act as snapshots, capturing fleeting moments of daily life that candidly traverse borders of class, social economics, subculture and camaraderie. Most recently, her large color prints evoke atmospheric landscapes. Some depict fragments of flowers and verdant fields, whilst others are totally abstract, affectionately unfolding in lush visual narratives.

Exhibitions include HYPERSEX (Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e Tecnologia, Lisbon); Black Box: Potlatch (curator Julião Sarmento, Museu do Caramulo, Portugal); I Could Eat You (Casa da Cultura de Comporta, Portugal); This side of Nowhere (Galeria Nuno Centeno, Porto); Escola de Libertinagem (curator Alexandre Melo, Galeria Francisco Fino, Lisbon); Dip me in the river, drop me in the water! (curator Carolina Trigueiros, Galeria Pedro Cera, Lisbon); Almost Famous (curator Julião Sarmento, Galeria Nuno Centeno, Porto). Her work is featured in the collections of Fundação de Serralves Artist Book Collection (Porto), Fundação EDP (Lisbon) and Fundação Santander (Spain).

Click here for full bio.

This program benefits from the support of the Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD).

This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.

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