Residency Unlimited

VoM and @ARTmobile Workshop #3: Exploring the Art of Portraiture

Gabriele Grones, "Michela", oil on canvas, 40x30 cm, 2014.

Sunday July 2, 2023 | 3:00 – 5:00pm

KODA/RU House, #404B Colonels Row | Click here for access to Governors Island

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of portraiture through a workshop with Josefina Palma-Izcue and RU artist Gabriele Grones, designed to enhance your artistic skills and expand your creative horizons. This engaging program aims to delve into the realm of realistic drawing, enabling participants to develop a deeper understanding of shape perception and break free from mental stereotypes. In addition, the artists seamlessly integrate the art of photography into the workshop, offering a unique perspective and enriching the overall experience.

Participants will be drawing during the workshop, and materials (pencils, rubbers, paper sheets and clipboards) will be provided.

This workshop is part of the 2023 Voices of Multiplicity (VoM) Artist Residency Program led by the RU guest curator Ayelet Danielle Aldouby with co-creators and artists Kelly Huang, Niambi A. Murray, Andrea Orellana and Xavier Robles-Armas. From May through October, the team will work from the KODA/RU house on Governors Island where they will implement monthly artistic workshops which are accessible and free for all.


Josefina Palma-Izcue is a Chilean designer and art education student currently based in New York, who is driven by a deep passion for photography and its limitless exploratory potential. Palma-Izcue’s art practice is centered around the captivating medium of photography, where she immerses herself in its ability to create narratives and actively engage in community art projects.

Currently an artist in residence at RU, Gabriele Grones is an Italian painter and visual artist based in Brooklyn, who received his MFA in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. In his artistic research, Grones creates realistic paintings in dialogue with the expressive codes of art history. His series of portraits are based on the study of classical references transposed into contemporary realism.


VoM @ARTmobile is supported by funds from the Roman Foundation and the BKLYN Incubator supported by generous funding provided by The Charles H. Revson Foundation.

We are also grateful to Jane Roman – strategic partner and Silvia Lucca – VoM coordinator for their support of VoM @ARTmobile.


This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.

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