Residency Unlimited

Rupture / Circle

Opening reception: Wednesday, November 20, 2024 | 6:00 – 8:00pm

On view: Thursday, November 21 – Friday, November 22 | 11:00am – 6:00pm

Location: Residency Unlimited, 360 Court Street (main green church doors), Brooklyn NY 11231 (map)

In November 2024, Residency Unlimited presents a final group exhibition of the year, which showcases the works of five artists in residence at RU: Daniela Ângelo, Lelia Byron, Beatriz Manteigas, Alejandro Monge Torres, and Kristė Stankevičiūtė. This exhibition is curated by RU Curator Data Chigholashvili and curator-in-residence Raffaella Matrone.


Imagine you are in a distant future, at a former place of worship, where several artifacts have been collected – cabinets of curiosity again, except after museums, and back. You are unsure when and where these pieces come from, but you have a possibility to explore them and make connections, but it’s up to you how you go about this process.

Reflecting on residencies as moments of confluences, collaborations, and exchanges, they are also moments of rupture. Artworks find new contexts to exist, we re-adapt our languages and symbols, go through translations and interpretations to facilitate understanding – we decode and recode who we are to fit, compare, or understand ourselves cross-contextually. Cultural background influences our perception, collectively we often seem to be going in circles, but there can be fractures in this determinism that the exhibition Rupture / Circle” invites you to explore. How would you perceive this exhibition, and what would your interpretation be if you did not have prior knowledge about the artworks? In other words, what would your experience be if you saw them with only what you already know, and the concept that suggests cross-contextual perception of artworks?

In this experimental format, you are invited to first see the exhibition and then read descriptions of works provided below, or the other way around.


An unknown circle covering a vitrine is distorted by a fluid shape – in her photography, Daniela Ângelo decontextualizes museum objects by visually manipulating their perception. Through obstructing the fragments of established knowledge repositories, she questions the dominant cultural narratives that repeatedly go in circles. Exploring collective memory beyond museum contexts is an important theme to Alejandro Monge Torres, who ponders about the traces that societies leave behind. With an artifact that resembles a fossil of a human, he offers a time capsule, however, the artist intentionally does not specify to which moment in history it belongs to. The complexity of time is also central in Kristė Stankevičiūtė’s paintings, where she appropriates aspects of folk art that were often integrated in the mismatched aesthetics of monumental-decorative art in former socialist contexts. With seemingly random dots, or giant bodies, she reimagines Lithuanian ethnographic symbols that meet in different times. Lelia Byron explores an issue closer in space and time, which is a recurring concern of many urban centers. Observing the power dynamics of public space in NYC, in a single narrative her painting brings together the people and changes concerning the Elizabeth Street Garden – a community sculpture garden and a green space in Manhattan, currently facing eviction. The cycle of life in nature appears in various ways in the works of Beatriz Manteigas, which live differently depending on physical contexts. Lichens have grown on geotextiles used outdoors, while sunlight is referenced in many forms. Repeating images would intentionally fade faster with daylight, and alternative energy could power the circle’s movement over an imaginary landscape that can be of past or future.


RU Exhibition: Rupture / Circle

Click above to see photos from the opening reception and installation images.

This program is supported by Atelier Museu Júlio Pomar, Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Fundação PLMJ, Associação Quinta das Relvas, Cabe 184, Câmara Municipal de Albergaria-a-Velha, Fundación CAI, Porsche Zaragoza, the Consulate General of Spain in New York and Kurybinis Potencialas.









This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.

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