Tuesday, October 22, 2019
6:30 pm (free and open to the public)
Residency Unlimited (RU)
360 Court Street (enter the Church through the main entrance)
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Artists Lukas Hofmann, Katarina Petrovic and Tadej Vaukman in conversation with Rachel Gugelberger.
Please join RU for an introduction to the work of artists Lukas Hofmann, Katarina Petrovic and Tadej Vaukman. The artists will make brief presentations of their work with a focus on their projects and areas of research while in residence at RU. A Q&A between the artists will follow, in conversation with RU curator Rachel Gugelberger, the conversation will further explore and make connections across their divergent practices.
This program is made possible with support from the Trust for Mutual Understanding.