Residency Unlimited

Meet Over Lunch: Aikas Žado Laboratory (Žeimiai Manor House) | A presentation by Eglė Ambrasaitė

Credits: Aikas Žado Laboratory (@aikaszadolaboratory)

Wednesday November 8, 2023 | 1:00 – 2:00pm

Location: Residency Unlimited
360 Court Street (main green church doors), Brooklyn NY 11231 (map)

The Lithuanian curator Eglė Ambrasaitė will introduce Aikas Žado Laboratory’s art center’s curatorial platform, located in the Žeimiai Manor House, Lithuania. Programs developed within the framework of this dynamic platform include “Residency o-yo”, “Invisible Man’s Cinematheque”, “Lankesa”, and “Center of Biomimetic Imagination” (”CBI”). The curatorial concept behind Aikas Žado Laboratory’s programming is to transform the Žeimiai Manor House itself into the contemporary artwork. As the focus of her NYC residency at RU, Eglė will present her current research and exhibition project “Si-bioarchitecture: To Walk in Conversation with Ghosts”, based on crip materiality theory. The key words for this talk will be: crip materiality, material non-compliance, human/non-human bonding and new-worlding.

Click below to see images from the program
Meet Over Lunch: Aikas Žado Laboratory (Žeimiai Manor House) | A presentation by Eglė Ambrasaitė


Eglė Ambrasaitė is located in a spot reserved for interdisciplinary art: she is both an artist, a curator and a PhD Candidate in Comparative Gender Studies (CEU), based in Žeimiai (Lithuania) and Berlin (Germany). She is the director of “Aikas Žado Association” and the curator of Aikas Žado Laboratory, a collectively-run, non-profit interdisciplinary art institution based in Žeimiai Manor House, Lithuania. At the moment, her main artistic and curatorial practices circulate around the themes of love, toxicity, bodies/embodiments and healing. Her theoretic interests encapsulate gender, biopolitics, affect theories, critical disability studies and dark ecology.


This program benefits from the support of the Lithuanian Council for Culture.

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