Xlerate’s first project brings together former RU alumni resident, Jakub Szczesny, to work with GE First Build.
FirstBuild is a partnership betweeen GE Appliances and Local Motors to create a new model for the appliance industry, engaging with a community of industrial designers, scientists, engineers, makers and early adopters to address some of the toughest engineering challenges and innovations, then manufacturing those designs in a Microfactory for rapid product introduction and iteration. This partnership will pioneer the future of work with a new model for inventing, building and bringing the next generation of major appliances to the market.

Szczesny spent the month of November working with First Build to explore the world of high end passion based appliances – niche appliances that consumers love showing off in their homes – especially when hosting guests. Meet target consumers and set up a consumer/product exploration initiative on the 1B | FirstBuild online platform. Build and create two (2) new concepts – publish the activity thru social media and blog posts.
more info here: http://www.xlerateart.com/jakubszczesny/
and here: http://www.xlerateart.com/gefirstbuild
This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. Art Works.