Residency Unlimited


Charlie Jeffery, « Float, Discuss », performance, 06 juillet 2014, MAC/VAL - Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de-Marne. Photo © Thomas Louapre.

Tuesday December 16, 2014
6.30pm-8:30pm (Free and open to the public)
Residency Unlimited
360 Court Street (enter church building through main entrance)
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Dynamograma is a collaborative project of artistic research gathering three artists, Grégoire Bergeret (Fr), Charlie Jeffery (GB), Thierry Mouillé (Fr), and the philosopher and art critic David Zerbib (Fr) searching to perform new conditions of artistic practice and critical thinking.

The experimental dimension of their methods is a key aspect of the project, relying on what Allan Kaprow said about the true experimentation, where artists, in their practice “gamble against its being art too soon”. It means not to rush to expected art forms and ideas, in order to give shape to what is deeply at work in a specific situation, context, encounter.

On December 16, the project will concretely produce an event of performance, projection and presentation. It will function like band on tour, composing and recording music, writing texts, doing live performances, giving interviews, creating forms, “standing in the face of things” (Charlie Jeffery). Among the pieces presented, a performance from Charlie Jeffery, hybridizing different discursive regimes (discourse of the artworld, management speach, dream narratives, scores, instructions, manifeste, soul song…). Dynamograma will also lead to realize a film of the experience and an issue of the next Intuitive notebook (see below).

Dealing with experimentation, performativity and format through a dialog between theory and practice, discourses and gestures, ideas and images, and testing the framework of a music group on tour to address these issues, Dynamograma intends to inscribe the relevance of a question in the intensity of a moment.

Slideshow of the event:

Dynamograma catalyzes three research projects based at the Annecy School of Art (France):

The DSRA (Advanced Diploma of Artistic Research): a program for young professional artists aimed at developing new forms of artistic research which would be neither the pure academic model of the PhD nor the pure studio work. It promotes a kind of practice based reflexion which involves collaborations between artists and theoreticians. The program lasts three years for each participant. Grégoire Bergeret and Charlie Jeffery participate in this program and are at the final step of the

The Intuition Laboratory: coordinated by Thierry Mouillé, interested by the diagrams which give shapes to intuitions in art as well as in sciences and in other practices. The Intuition laboratory edits the Intuitive notebook, a collection of essays and documents about the topics with which the lab deals. Three issues have been published. The last is translated in English. Dynamograma will constitute the material for the next Intuitive notebook.

X theory: an experimental way to conceive the theoretical work in an art institution and in collaboration with artists. Developed by David Zerbib, it consists in reflecting upon formats, situations and procedures, leading to events and situations where hypothesis are tested, with art students like in The North Brother Island Carnival (Brooklyn, 2013) or with professional artists.

The project is curated by David Zerbib.

Dynamograma is sponsored by Institut Francais, the Annecy School of Art (ESAAA), and was initiated in collaboration with Parker’s Box.

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Links :

Charlie Jeffery:

Grégoire Bergeret:

Le Laboratoire des Intuitions:

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