Residency Unlimited


RU Residency Guidelines:

RU residencies are tailored to support the specific needs of US based and international artists and curators working across different disciplines at varying stages of their career.

Learn more about RU residency and programs : RU Brochure 2022-2023

If you are interested in applying for the residency, please fill out the inquiry to receive the information about the application process : RU Residency Inquiry Form for Artists and Curators

To receive information about RU : Sign up for Newsletters

RU Residency Conditions:

1. “Pre-residency” Support:

We believe a successful residency begins before your arrival!

+ We reach out to the individuals and organizations in our network whose interests best align with your practice
+ Make arrangements for studio visits and other activities to maximize your experience in New York
+ Help you find accommodation and, possibly an individual studio space; the RU workspace is shared
+ Mobilize research, logistics, and other resources you will need during your residency.

2. A Multifunctional Work, Meeting and Presentation Space:

All residents are encouraged to make use of our multi-functional space at 360 Court street in Carroll Gardens. The RU space operates simultaneously as a work, meeting, and presentation venue. As a work space it is convenient for:

+ Non-studio-based artistic and curatorial projects (*);
+ Discussions, workshops, studio visits, and informal gatherings;
+ Public presentations with screenings, talks, performances, and short-term exhibitions.

(*) Should you require a designated studio during your time in residency, we will help you secure an affordable space that suits your needs. This is an additional cost.

3. Project support:

Our staff is dedicated to the successful development of your practice and project, and we are available to provide assistance for production and research.

4. Exposure & Networks:

We help you build connections within our US based and international network of curators, gallerists, critics, artists, and scholars through weekly individual meetings for critical feedback in person or remotely led and / or studio visits (see guest visitors)
+ We provide exposure of your work in our public programs (free and open), exhibitions, discussions and screenings. These activities are held at our space or at partnering venues.

5. Selection Process:
The selection process ranges from an open call application and panel process to nominations or by invitation depending on the project, the type of residency and the partnering organization.
+ Applications are always reviewed by a panel of RU staff and affiliates.

We are grateful to our supporters for making RU’s residency program possible.

Looking forward hearing from you!

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