Residency Unlimited


Residency Unlimited (RU) is a non-profit arts organization that supports the creative process of US based and international artists and curators at all stages of their career through its unique, customized residencies and year-round public programs. Our growing global network consists of 850+ alumni. In 2024 RU hosted residencies for 62 artists and 15 curators from 39 countries. Since RU’s founding in 2009, collaboration and developing partnerships lie at the heart of our mission, to successfully leverage resources for participating residents and optimize their experience. 

RU is located within the historic South Congregational Church in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. The building’s architecture—with its high ceilings, stained glass windows—offers a unique setting in a multi-purpose space that serves as a work hub and creative nexus. 

Residency Unlimited at 360 Court Street in Brooklyn, NY Main entrance through green church doors RU’s multi-purpose space

Through our tailored approach, the RU team identifies adequate work space based on the needs of the artists. A shared workspace is made available to all the residents at our headquarters at 360 Court Street; the RU House on Governors Island offers individual studios; and through our partnerships with outside institutions such as Artists Alliance Inc in The Clemente building, and the Cuban Artist Fund Studio in midtown, our residents are able to access other spaces throughout the city.

Sophia Bakos (2024 RU alum) working in the RU space RU House on 404B Colonels Row, Governors Island Aida Sulova (2024 RU alum) working in a studio at the RU House on Governors Island

A hallmark of the RU residency is connecting our residents with New York’s vibrant art community through weekly, individualized meetings facilitated by our team, featuring a wide range of art professionals through our Guest Visitors Program. In 2024 we organized 630 studio visits/meetings for critical feedback, aligning artistic and curatorial interests.

Our tailored approach ensures exposure of all residents artistic and curatorial practices by showcasing work to New York based audiences through curated exhibitions, moderated talks and other events. In 2024 we organized 52 public programs including  16 Exhibitions, 21 Talks, 10 Workshops and 5 Performances. Free and open to all, RU’s public programs take place at our Carroll Gardens headquarters, at the RU House on Governors Island as well as partnering venues across the city including gallery spaces. All our programs are documented online for further consultation. 

For more information about how to apply for a RU residency please click here.

Testimonials by residents can be found on the testimonials page

Please see the 2024 RU Brochure for more information. 

Studio visit: Guest Curator Data Chigholashvili  and Muhammad Toukhy (2024 RU alum)

RU Talk: Lenka Glisníková in conversation with Meghan Forbes (March 18, 2024)

Dennis RedMoon Darkeem (2024 VoM artist) features new work in the group show  “Survive and Reclaim”,  RU House, Governors Island

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