Residency Unlimited

Meet Over Lunch: Tatiana Rais and Juliana Steiner, Espacio Odeón

Espacio Odeón, Bogotá

Thursday, June 7, 2018
1pm (free and open to the public)
Residency Unlimited (RU)
360 Court Street (enter the Church through the main entrance)
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Tatiana Rais and Juliana Steiner are the co-founders of the contemporary art space Espacio Odeón in Bogotá, Colombia. Their talk will focus on the evolution of this organization since its founding in 2011 and its role within the framework of the independent art scene in Colombia. Topics addressed will include the recent proliferation of art fairs in Bogotá leading Espacio Odeón to break away and respond to other needs that are becoming evident in the city’s arts scene in this current year. The “No-Feria” (working title) positions itself as an event in opposition to the commercial fairs and venues, seeking instead to showcase projects that have not been exhibited precisely because of their non-commercial status.

Espacio Odeón is an alternative arts center located in the heart of Bogota in a former movie theater and landmark building. Programs include site-specific exhibitions, performances, live concerts a study center and public programming. As an art space, Odeon offers a platform for emerging and established Colombian and international artists to showcase their work. Espacio Odeón seeks to expand the possibilities of creation, investigation and production in contemporary art, to develop processes that allow both artists and audiences to reflect, dialogue and relate to and with contemporary critical issues and current artistic practices in an active and innovative way.

Exhibitions featuring Colombian artists at Espacio Odeón include Miler Lagos (2011), Adriana Salazar (2014) and Mario Santanilla (2f018). On the international front, artists developing site-specific and unprecedented projects include Tania Candiani (Mexico-2018) Livia Marin (Chile- 2012), Oscar Santillán (Ecuador- 2012).


Tatiana Rais (Bogotá 1988) is the co-founder and current director of Espacio Odeón, an experimental contemporary art space in Bogotá.  As Director, she has lead a range of of pioneer initiatives, including exhibitions, theater, public programming and the contemporary art fair. She graduated from Tufts University with a degree in Art History. In 2010 she worked as assistant to Asher Remy Toledo, the co-founder of No Longer Empty in New York. In 2010 she received a grant from Tufts University to develop an arts-education program in vulnerable communities in Colombia. She has worked as an independent film producer in Los Niños and as a script consultant in several projects.

Juliana Steiner (Bogotá 1989) is a curator and educator based in New York via Bogotá. She co-founded Espacio Odeón, and now serves as an advisor. She is an art columnist for Impakter magazine and is assistant curator for the performance gallery, signs and symbols. She worked as Studio Assistant at Museum of Modern Art for their experimental and pedagogical space “The People’s Studio” and has had curatorial, public programs and registrar internships at MoMA PS1, No Longer Empty and the MET in New York. She is currently a curator in residence at Residency Unlimited.

The Meet Over Lunch series is a monthly invitation to local and visiting curators to present their practice and projects over lunch to the RU residents and public. 

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